
There are many lives waiting to hear the redeeming words of the gospel, or to be lifted from hopelessness by the hands of loving servants. But they will be lost to you without the generous response of disciples who share from their own bounty that others may know the joys of the kingdom.

—Doctrine and Covenants 162:7a

Tithing is a spiritual practice that demonstrates willingness to offer every dimension of one’s life to God.

—Doctrine and Covenants 165:2d

As these words find expression in the church, the following affirmations guide us:
  • Stewardship is whole-life response to God’s grace and the ministry of Jesus Christ.
  • One way stewardship is expressed is through the spiritual practice of tithing.
  • Although tithing literally means a tenth, giving generously to one’s true capacity is the spirit of tithing.
  • Tithing of time, talent, treasure, and testimony supports local and worldwide church ministries in pursuit of Jesus Christ’s mission.
  • All disciples are called to live as faithful stewards who tithe
God gives and loves graciously and generously! We know that all we are and all we have are gifts from God. As followers of Jesus, our whole-life commitment is in response to God's wonderful generosity. Being generous is about aligning our priorities with God's priorities, aligning our hearts with God's heart.
What is our response as disciples of Jesus? In simple terms, we are called to respond with thankfulness and share with others as generously as God has shared with us.


Despite our churches being closed and local face-to-face events postponed for the present, Scarborough Congregation, the Canadian Mission, and World Church have ongoing expenses that need to be met. Almost 80 percent of mission tithes come through the offering plate. However, because the church is not physically gathering to worship, and because some members and friends face financial hardship during this emergency, local, Canadian, and worldwide mission tithes have substantially declined. Please remember to continue your Disciple's Generous Response and submit your regular offerings.

Contribute to Scarborough Congregation

Contributions to Scarborough Congregation can be directed or allocated between Local (Scarborough Congregation), Canadian Mission or CEM , World Church, or specific programs (such as the Red Cup Campground Fund Campaign, Christmas Boxes, or Parkdale CHC).
There are several options for contributing to Scarborough Congretation:
Contibution Envelopes
By Canada Post (Cheques)
Interac Direct Payment
Pre-Authorized Transfer (PAT)

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Contribute to the Canadian Mission, CEM, and World Church

Funds can be directly sent to the Canadian Mission, CEM, and World Church using any of the options listed below:
Pre-Authorized Transfer (PAT)
By Canada Post (Cheques)
On-Line through

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